day 11 : hidden heroes
the message of the day from the devotional...
- it's easy to sometimes only notice people when we need something from them, such as:
- the bin man when we need our bin cleared
- the hairdresser when we see those split ends emerging
- the sound team when a church service is going wrong
- whilst it may simply 'be someone's job' to do something, they also have the choice to actually do what they do and how much effort they put into doing what they do
- be more appreciative of those around you, from those you rarely see to those you may always walk past but not take much notice of
- For those working quietly behind the scenes with little praise or acknowledgement, their reward may be in heaven, not on earth. but, we can still show gratitude for what they do.
my act of generosity today...
involved me writing in this (very clearly) handmade card by yours truly:
as the day was almost drawing to a close, i figured the only strangers left for me to meet today was the receptionist at the library. so that explains that! the more i think about it, the more i realise how much we take security guards and receptionists and the like for granted. we usually just expect things to run smoothly and don't think about the people who work behind the scenes, unless something messes up or isn't working. if anything, doing their job is probably very tedious (especially in the library where the issues are probably pretty much the same day in, day out and you can't really talk to your colleagues cos you're expected to be quiet yourself!)
my hidden heroes today are the library workers, who can you think of?
today i am thankful for...
seeing my friends. in all honesty, and i know i haven't really even admitted it to myself, but i've been taking on an awful lot of activities. i'm one of them ones who don't tend to turn people down if they need help. i enjoy it so much, just doing things to help carry another's load or creating something that will bring joy to others. but I'm slyly burning out. so seeing my friends was great! I'm majorly stressed for my deadlines and while "time flies when you're having fun" is not something you want when you haven't started the essays that are due soon, friends are great for helping you forget about your stresses, at least momentarily!
hope you're too blessed to be stressed,
haynam x