In the past four weeks, I have greeted farewell four times, each one quite different. Although most goodbyes are quite sad, here's some positives that I found and a brief recount of my several situations.
The first goodbye I said was to my dear rabbit, Charcoal. She was a black rabbit [hence the name!] whom we adopted from my sister's friend about four or five years ago; along with her sister Midnight, who's also black. My family and I have had more than four furry beings now and although they say "a dog is a man's best friend", these precious fellas have been my family's best friends. Though we have been in this position several times, it still stings me knowing another of my beloveds [is that a word?] has disappeared from our home. This type of farewell, whether to a pet or person, is the hardest as you realise that you can never cuddle them again in their healthy form. Nevertheless, I will always remember how lovely she was to look after from the day she was only the size of my hand, to when she became clumsy and always skidded on our floorboards as she ran around.
The next au revoir was to a close family who recently left the UK to start up their new life elsewhere. Even though we haven't known each other for many, many years; many, many beautiful memories were developed along our journey, and most definitely shall also be kept! I feel so blessed to have known these people as they are so lovely and enjoyable to be around. Some highlights with them include helping out at the little girl's sixth and seventh [I think?] birthday parties and helping with the food and games and making up stupid little activities that would entertain us for hours, haha! What's more, on their last week in the UK, they even gifted their gorgeous bass guitar to us, how kind! Not only will it be another beauty to add to out family of instruments, but a wonderful way to remember them too :)
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Our farewell wishes and memories on helium balloons, ready to fly away♥ |
Anyway, despite the exciting farewell party that we held days before their takeoff, it is obviously still bitter to see them go. However, the positive side of this is knowing the joy we'll encounter when we meet again... which is hopefully soon :)
The third hasta luego was to my beloved house - well a quarter of it or so. The other day, the perimeter of my house was knocked down and building works took place to extend and refurbish it. I have lived here since I was born so literally billions of memories have been made here and though it was demolished; well you know what they say about how things and people may change but memories will never. Also you know how the saying goes: 'out with the old and in with the new' so I am very excited to live in this new environment to make just as many memories and wouldn't it be lovely to have a change and an upgrade?
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Little me in old garden♥ |
My final adieu is a lovely, cheery one! It all began when I went to a Christian camp called PHAT (Praise Him All Together) recently and like all camps, I feel delighted to have met awesome people from all over the country and it was just such an overwhelming experience, right from the start to the end. But obviously at the end, you have to be separated, sadly :( ..But at least only for a year, in this case as there is always at next year at this camp. Bearing this in mind, it was a whole lot easier exchanging the usual byes and hugs as you were prepared to see them again at a later date. Not only that but thankfully with the invention of social media we can connect with each other by the click of a mouse so thank you clever inventors!
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PHAT Camp 2014♥ |
To sum up this post, I completely understand that there is a range of goodbyes and whilst many can be hard as it means kicking out the old or not seeing someone again, well that gives us a perfect reason to enjoy everyday as it is and 'don't count the days, make the days count'!
- Hayz x
PS. I wrote this post a little while back now and partly forgot about it and partly was quite unsure whether to post this or not and I just found lots of little things that I felt the need to edit and the photos took a while to collect and refine and a whole lot of things. Anyway my point is that I didn't know I would post this so late and that I also want to say a massive goodbye to 2014. It has been so nice to me and blessed me with so many lovely memories. I have gone through a lot of miserable moments too but I don't want to forget them as they made 2014 what it is and I feel as though I should learn from them because you know what they say how things happen for a reason: they were either a blessing or a lesson :) Thank you to those of you who have stuck by me this year