Hey, Hayz here! Haha, how I love saying that phrase..
So before I continue (and lose myself), welcome to my first post of my first blog! Now I think I ought to introduce myself :)
1. My name's Haynam - but I have too many variations of nicknames, such as 'Nam' and 'Haynie', that I just pretty much reply to anything similar
2. I'm a young girl living in London with my sister, mum and dad
3. Some of my passions and interests include going on my phone or laptop (depending on what's more handy to reach for), dancing (though i'm really not that good), eating (I mean i'm the queen of snacking) and all things musical (including the piano - well i'm asian what do you expect? aha).
Now onto the proper stuff like 'Why did I decide to start a blog?', 'Why is it called "One Day.."?' and 'What sort of content will I post?'
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I wanted to start blogging. I suppose it's just the exciting idea of sharing thoughts and documenting things in words instead of bombarding my friends with my voice all the time. I've actually wanted to start blogging quite some time ago but I just never figured out what I wanted to write about. Finally, in the days of my uneventful summer holidays of 2K14, I decided I wanted to start blogging.
I was originally inspired by the lovely youtubers out there and soon after, I discovered some friends' as well as my sister's blog and I thought 'WOW, this blogging business seems really fun!' So I told my sister about it and she also agreed to help me edit and improve my blog, which is another reason why I decided to start this up; before she takes back her deal..as she always does. However, not only did I get inspired by these people's content but also the way they write; and as a budding 'writer' & editor, I wanted to take this opportunity to also improve and put to use my English skills (yes maybe I little geeky, I know!) and graphical skills :)
I decided to call it 'One Day..' as, firstly, I actually stole it from my friend's group of photo albums on facebook and I just thought it was a cute theme :') ..but also, since I was also inspired and encouraged by my habit of diary writing, I thought this could be a platform for me to shape it into an 'online diary' as I think it would be so cute :')
I have absolutely no idea where this blog will go so, as they say, you should expect the unexpected from me - trusty ol' cliché phrases (y). Neither do I know how often i'll be posting nor anything about this blog in fact! You'll have to bear with me as I get to grips with this whole land of blogging..
Okay, so I think that's enough to get this blog started! I'm honestly so excited to see where this new found hobby of mine may lead me! I hope I won't continue to babble too much as I do often tend to do so.Thank you for crossing my blog & I hope you’ve took pleasure in reading my first ever ever ever blog post! Though to be fair, this post seems a little bland.. i'll get there by spicing it up with all my dead jokes.

Feel free to drop a comment or follow me on my other social medias:
Tumblr: www.composics.tumblr.com
Instagram: @_heyhayz_
Pinterest: Hey Hayz
Weheartit: hey_hayz
- Hayz x
So before I continue (and lose myself), welcome to my first post of my first blog! Now I think I ought to introduce myself :)
1. My name's Haynam - but I have too many variations of nicknames, such as 'Nam' and 'Haynie', that I just pretty much reply to anything similar
2. I'm a young girl living in London with my sister, mum and dad
3. Some of my passions and interests include going on my phone or laptop (depending on what's more handy to reach for), dancing (though i'm really not that good), eating (I mean i'm the queen of snacking) and all things musical (including the piano - well i'm asian what do you expect? aha).
Now onto the proper stuff like 'Why did I decide to start a blog?', 'Why is it called "One Day.."?' and 'What sort of content will I post?'
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I wanted to start blogging. I suppose it's just the exciting idea of sharing thoughts and documenting things in words instead of bombarding my friends with my voice all the time. I've actually wanted to start blogging quite some time ago but I just never figured out what I wanted to write about. Finally, in the days of my uneventful summer holidays of 2K14, I decided I wanted to start blogging.
I was originally inspired by the lovely youtubers out there and soon after, I discovered some friends' as well as my sister's blog and I thought 'WOW, this blogging business seems really fun!' So I told my sister about it and she also agreed to help me edit and improve my blog, which is another reason why I decided to start this up; before she takes back her deal..as she always does. However, not only did I get inspired by these people's content but also the way they write; and as a budding 'writer' & editor, I wanted to take this opportunity to also improve and put to use my English skills (yes maybe I little geeky, I know!) and graphical skills :)
I decided to call it 'One Day..' as, firstly, I actually stole it from my friend's group of photo albums on facebook and I just thought it was a cute theme :') ..but also, since I was also inspired and encouraged by my habit of diary writing, I thought this could be a platform for me to shape it into an 'online diary' as I think it would be so cute :')
I have absolutely no idea where this blog will go so, as they say, you should expect the unexpected from me - trusty ol' cliché phrases (y). Neither do I know how often i'll be posting nor anything about this blog in fact! You'll have to bear with me as I get to grips with this whole land of blogging..
Okay, so I think that's enough to get this blog started! I'm honestly so excited to see where this new found hobby of mine may lead me! I hope I won't continue to babble too much as I do often tend to do so.Thank you for crossing my blog & I hope you’ve took pleasure in reading my first ever ever ever blog post! Though to be fair, this post seems a little bland.. i'll get there by spicing it up with all my dead jokes.
Feel free to drop a comment or follow me on my other social medias:
Tumblr: www.composics.tumblr.com
Instagram: @_heyhayz_
Pinterest: Hey Hayz
Weheartit: hey_hayz
- Hayz x